Title:Abar Aranye : Again in The Forest
Credits:Ghose, Goutam (Direction) ; Bhattacharya, Sumita (Producer); Gandhi, Ramesh (Producer); Ghose, Goutam (Screenplay & Story) ; Ghose, Goutam (Music) ; Ghose, Goutam (Cinematogrpahy) ; Banerjee, Moloy (Ed.) ; Chatterjee, Soumitra ; Tagore, Sharmila ; Chatterjee, Subhendu ; Champa ; Bhanja, Samit ; Ganguly, Roopa ; Sengupta, Jisshu ; Chatterjee, Saswata ; Dutta, Rajatabha ; Ghosal, Chaiti ; Mukherjee, Arun
Release Year:2003
Producer:Rainbow Production
Techincal Specification:123 Min, Color, Black and White, Dolby Digital, NTSC, Subtitle English
Call No:WM 791.43 GHO
Accn No:MD9232
Subject:Drama ; Movie